David Zatopek

David Zatopek

Vice President



David has 30 years of experience, focused exclusively in higher education. As vice president, David has provided services for every type of learning environment for higher education, with a focus on career-driven spaces, sciences, technology and campus master planning. Ingrained in his practice is the idea of simulating the real-world to inspire and foster the next generation. David consistently engages with higher education institutions, creating fluid, long-lasting partnerships. In 2014, David was invited by Texas A&M University to participate in the John Miles Rowlett Lecture, which brings speakers of national internationality significance focusing on career-path questions. Additionally, this year, David was a distinguished juror for the “Celebrations of Excellence” at the college, which consists of an elite group of department friends and former students who are committed to supporting and enhancing architecture program excellence, building relationships with students and bridging gaps between academic and professional worlds. David’s commitment to the professional development of the next generation aligns with his passion for higher education architecture.